I am a member of Cosmo fun Fearless Female at cosmo.ph for quite sometime and just today i bumped in to the site to update my account and check out for the latest news updates and happenings, and was curious about my Online Bedside Astrology, and seems that my forecast is somehow true and will looking forward for the postive outcome and i like it:-)
My Online Bedside Astrologer: Love And Sex Forecast For 2010

Your Love Forecast:
What you never expected is about to come your way in 2010. The stars are in a dynamic mood, so it's the ideal year to push your social boundaries out and challenge your own assumptions about love. Be bold. Make the first move, send suggestive texts, flirt like crazy--whatever it takes to get him to notice you!
Your intense devotion to routine. At least, try to do familiar things in new ways.
A sentimental surprise near V-Day: a platonic pal might confess he has a crush on you, or your man brings you a bouquet of flowers in your favorite varieties.
Dating Front:
The chemistry between you and a guy you've been flirting with might ignite under combustible Mars in August.
Couples Advice:
Even the most devoted Taurean has to make a real effort to keep her relationship fresh. Leave town with your man in late January when one-on-one time is important.
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